Operation in progress

Parking Consideration

  • The issuance of Occasional Use on Street Parking Permits (OUPP) has been temporarily suspended to allow Town staff time to clear our roadways from an overnight snow fall. This portal will be reactivated once operations return to normal. Should you have any additional questions or concerns please contact bylaw services at or dial 905-727-1375

This permit allows the registered vehicle to park on a Town of Aurora roadway and exempts the vehicle from the parking in excess of 24 hours and no parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. provisions of the Town's Traffic By-law.

The permit is not an exemption from the remaining provisions within the By-law:

•      No parking within 3 meters of a fire hydrant

•      No parking within 1 meter of a driveway

•      No parking within 15 meters of an intersection

•      No parking in a fire route

•      No parking left wheels to curb, park/stop contrary to sign, etc.

More information regarding the Traffic By-law and the parking provisions can be obtained by reviewing the Town's Traffic By-law. Issued Permits are null and void in the event of inclement weather and/or the deployment of snow clearing/salting measures.

I hereby certify that I am not registering:

•      A commercial vehicle (as defined in the Town's Traffic By-law and includes but not limited to: school buses, tow trucks, delivery bodies, service vehicles, etc.)

•      Unlicensed vehicle or inoperable vehicle

•      Detached trailers or large motor vehicles, other than motor vehicles designed for recreational use (with or without an attached recreational trailer, if applicable).

Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of responding to your request. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk's Department at 905-727-3123. Click here to return to